JavaScript Visualized:
Promise Execution
March 24, 2024
Promises in JavaScript can seem a bit daunting at first, but understanding what's happening under the hood can make them much more approachable.
In this blog post, we'll dive deep into some of the inner workings of promises and explore how they enable non-blocking asynchronous tasks in JavaScript.
One way to create a promise is by using the new Promise
constructor, which receives an executor function with resolve
and reject
When the Promise
constructor is invoked, a few things happen:
A Promise Object is created.
This Promise Object contains several internal slots, including the[[PromiseState]]
, and[[PromiseRejectReactions]]
.A Promise Capability record is created
This "encapsulates" the promise and adds some additional functionality toresolve or reject the promise. These are functions that
control the eventual[[PromiseState]]
of the promise, and kick off asyncrhounous tasks.
We can resolve
this Promise by calling resolve
, which is available to us through the executor function. When we call resolve
is set to"fulfilled"
is set to the value we passed toresolve
which is"Done!"
in this case.
The process is similar when calling reject
, now the [[PromiseState]]
is set to "rejected"
, and the [[PromiseResult]]
is set to the value we passed to reject
, which is"Fail!"
Sure great.. but, what's so special about using functions to change some internal properties within an object?
The answer lies in the behavior associated with the two internal slots we've so far skipped: [[PromiseFulfillReactions]]
and [[PromiseRejectReactions]]
The [[PromiseFulfillReactions]]
field contains Promise Reactions. This is an object created by chaining a then
handler to the Promise.
This Promise Reaction contains, among other fields, a [[Handler]]
property that holds the callback we passed to then
. When the promise resolves, this handler is added to the Microtask Queue
and has access to the value with which the promise resolved.
When the promise resolves, this handler receives the value of [[PromiseResult]]
as its argument, after which it's pushed to the to the Microtask Queue
This is where the asynchronous part of promises comes into play!
Similarly, we can create a Promise Reaction record to handle promise rejection by chaining catch
. This callback will get added to the Microtask Queue
when the promise rejects.
So far, we've only called resolve
or reject
directly within the executor function. Although that's possible, it doesn't leverage the full power (and primary purpose) of Promises!
In most cases, we'll want to resolve
or reject
are some later point in time, typically when an asynchronous task completes.
Asynchronous tasks happen off the main thread, such as reading a file (e.g. fs.readFile
), making network requests (e.g. https.get
or XMLHttpRequest
) or something as simple as timers (setTimeout
When those tasks complete at some unknown time in the future, we can use the callback that such async operations typically provide to either resolve
with the data that we got back from the async task, or reject
if an error occurred.
To visualize this, let's go through the execution step-by-step. To keep this demo simple but still realistic, we'll use a setTimeout
to add some async behavior.
First, the new Promise
constructor is added to the Call Stack
and creates the Promise Object.
Then, the executor function is executed. On the first line within the function's body, we call setTimeout
, which is added to the Call Stack
is responsible for scheduling the timer in the Timers Web API
with a delay of 100ms, after which the callback that we passed to setTimeout
will be pushed to the Task Queue
This asynchronous behavior here is related to setTimeout
, not related to promises. I'm just showing this here to show a common way that promises are used - to resolve a promise after some delay.
However, the delay itself is not caused by promises. Promises are designed to work with asynchronous operations, but those asynchronous operations can come from different sources like timers or network requests.
After the timer and constructor are popped off the Call Stack
, the engine encounters then
is added to the Call Stack
, and creates a Promise Reaction record, which handler is the code that we passed as a callback to the then
Since the [[PromiseState]]
is still "pending"
, this Promise Reaction record is added to the [[PromiseFulfillReactions]]
Calling resolve
sets the [[PromiseState]]
to "fulfilled"
, [[PromiseResult]]
to "Done!"
, and the code associated with the Promise Reaction's handler is added to the Microtask Queue
and the callback are popped off the Call Stack
Since the Call Stack
is empty, the event loop first checks the Microtask Queue
where the then
handler's callback is waiting.
The callback is now added to the Call Stack
, and logs the value of result
, which is the value of [[PromiseResult]]
; the string "Done!"
Once the callback finishes executing and is popped off the Call Stack
, the program has completed!
Besides creating a Promise Reaction, then
also returns a Promise. This means that we can chain multiple thens to each other, for example:
When this code executes, a Promise Object is created when the Promise
constructor is called. After that, whenever the engine encounters a then
, both a Promise Reaction record and a Promise Object are created.
In both cases, the then
callbacks multiply the received value of [[PromiseResult]]
by two. The then
's [[PromiseResult]]
is set to the result of this calculation, which in turn is used by the next then
's handler.
Ultimately, the result is logged. The [[PromiseResult]]
of the last then
promise is undefined
since we didn't explicitly return a value, meaning it implicitly returned undefined
Of course, using numbers isn't really the most realistic scenario. Instead, you might want to change the promise's result step-by-step, like incrementally changing what an image looks like.
For example, you might want to take a series of incremental steps that modify an image's appearance through operations like resizing, applying filters, adding watermarks, etc.
These types of tasks often involve async operations, which makes promises a good choice for managing this in a non-blocking way.
Long story short, Promises are just objects with some additional functionality to change their internal state.
The cool thing about Promises is that this can trigger an asynchronous action if a handler is attached by either then
or catch
. Since the handlers are pushed to the Microtask Queue
, you can handle the eventual result in a non-blocking way. This makes it easier to handle errors, chain multiple operations together, and keep your code more readable and maintainable!
Promises remain a foundational concept and important for every JavaScript developer to know. Other features like async
syntax (syntactical sugar over promises) and features like Async Generators provide even more ways to work with asynchronous code, if you're interested in learning more.
If you have any feedback for this article, let me know!